Humans Understand Narrative Through Intellect and Emotion

Acceptance and Emotional Stability

Humans understand narrative through both intellect and emotion.
We need to understand and accept that we do not know and are often unaware of the narratives we live with. Humanity is on an ever searching quest to discover the mysteries of Narrative. Whether this be through science, dreamscapes, or faith. Our lives are a mixture of science and tradition. No matter how scientific or faith based our views, we live in a world of both.

During this time of economic and social upheaval many people are looking for a way to make sense of the new reality as well as the very real need to survive.
The new reality is that Covid-19 is going to change the world narrative. The world has seen great plagues and pandemics in the past. From the dawn of humanity up to our current situation, diseases along with climate change has shaped our current worldview.

For a glimpse of how catastrophic diseases and climate change have been we can read biblical accounts of both.

The book of Exodus is a dreamscape story about a great plague and then rebirth. We also see the effect of terrible plagues by looking at the number of people mentioned, who were once plentiful and then disappeared, in the Book of Numbers and Joshua. We see climate change in the flood story of Noah and the still older accounts of the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Many people need inspiration when facing life changing events.
Whether we want to or not, we all are entering a new phase of history. Entering the unknown will inherently bring uncertainty. How our county, our communities, our families, and individuals deal with this crisis will be part of those cultural groups’ narrative for many generations to come. How a nation state deals with the crisis will affect its positioning in the post crisis economy of the world Geo-political hierarchy.

We are all interconnected and must pull together on every level to help in any way we can. This may be simply sheltering in place so we do not get sick and reduce the risk or possibly spreading the virus. Others may need to continue working to ensure the survival of the community. During this time of need I would like to see people on the front lines get recognition and compensation for their sacrifice. Especially the lower paid folks who have no choice but to work.

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Transition Zones = Fear Zone, Learning Zone, and Growth Zone